VENUS Wrought Iron is a Chinese owned and operated business dedicated to the supply of Hand Forged and Machine Made wrought iron. Our factory history dates back to 1999, where we set up a small Blacksmith shop to serve the needs of our community. 本公司拥有多年的生产\经营金属制品的经验,主要生产铜艺门\铸铝门\铁艺门\工艺浮雕板\铸铝门花\铁艺门花\不锈钢花\铸铝门板\铸铜门板\轧花钢板等,产品广泛应用于建筑/装饰等行业.在业内享有一定的**度并得到国内外客户的高度赞誉和广泛支持. HEAD OFFICE B409, NO.22 Huangcui Road N. Dongsha industrial area, Guangzhou Tel/fax +86 20 Mob. +86 (24h hot line) E-mail: irons@